Mr Ljajić: The customs war with Croatia is over, old fees are back

“Customs war“ of the countries in the region with Croatia is over, says Minister of Trade Rasim Ljajić, adding that from now on the fees for control of fruit and vegetables will be paid in the amount of 90 kunas, in line with the old rulebook.

“I’ve heard from the Croatian Minister of Agriculture Tomislav Tolušić who informed me that Croatia will return the old rulebook – says Mr Ljajić to the press.

He has also stated that it is a satisfactory solution but that there is no room for triumphalism now, nor to declare victory or defeat.

“The only important thing here is a free flow of goods and elimination of barriers. It is in the interest of our economies and good neighbouring relations in the entire region”; says he.

To the question what will be with the farmers to whom the newly introduced fees were applied, and whether the government will require a refund, Mr Ljajić says that only they themselves can do that.

“We as the government cannot require that, but they can ask for regular judicial procedures if they think that they have suffered a damage”, says Mr Ljajić, adding that the government has already done everything and that it thinks it is enough.

“The most important thing now is to solve the issue, that people can buy, travel and sell their goods to each other and I hope that this is the last customs barrier”, concluded Mr Ljajić.

Ministry of Agriculture of Croatia has published on its web site that there were amendments to the Rulebook on inspection control and control of alignment of fruit and vegetables with market standards, so that the fees for control of alignment of fruit and vegetables, instead of two thousand kunas, will be 90 kunas for each individual sort of fruit and vegetables within one control.