Mr Ljajić: Stable business of Merkator S in Serbia

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić, has said early today as a guest in a show of the RTS that business of Merkator S in Serbia, which is a part of Agrokor, is stable but that a permanent surveillance is being done in order to protect the rights of the employees, interest of suppliers, but also the interest of Serbian economy.

“Firms operation in Serbia are still stable, paying their obligations towards small suppliers. An agreement has been made with large suppliers regarding the regular delivery of goods, so that there is no danger in terms of delivery stop”, says Minister, emphasizing that the objective is to make Merkator S, with Dijamant and Frikom, continue operations in Serbia.

Mr Ljajić has added that the fact that Agrokor in Croatia is solving the issue of property which is necessary for the operation of the company is not an unexpected decision and reminded that Agrokor is going to face a fundamental reorganisation, restructuring of the company.

“Debts are 5.4 billion euros, without Merkator’s debt. Last week we had a meeting with the Commissioner of the Croatian Government in Agrokor and all firms operation in Serbia are still stable”, Minister concluded.

Within Merkator S in Serbia there are 11.000 people working, and 650 suppliers.