Mr Ljajić: Record year for tourism, beyond expectations

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said that the year 2017 has been a record year for tourism since Serbia will be visited by 3.1 million tourists, and the expected foreign currency inflow is around 1.2 billion euros.

Mr Ljajić as a guest at the RTS has made it precise that the total number of arriving tourists this year will go beyond expected three billion.

Next year Minister announced the citizens would have 80 thousand vouchers for which they could apply starting of January 1.

“A novelty is that our tourists will be able to use the vouchers in Niš and Kragujevac as well”, says Mr Ljajić.

Speaking of investments, Mr Ljajić has said that this year is blooming when we talk about Turkish companies coming to Serbia, but he emphasises that in Serbia largest investments come from the Western European countries.

“In nominal amounts it is not true that the biggest investments come from Turkey, but from the Western European countries. However, this year is blooming when it comes to Turkish companies coming to Serbia, and each of the Turkish companies decided to expand its production in Serbia”, says Mr Ljajić.

He also says that in the first four months of next year new factories in Žitorađa, Požarevac, Kragujevac and Mladenovac will be opened.

“Once the motorway is finished, we will be able to arrive from Niš to Istanbul in five or six hours. I believe that next year will be at least as successful as this one”, Minister says.

In the field of telecommunications, the most important thing this year was the adoption of the Law on Electronic Transactions which will bring changes in the business climate in the country.

Mr Ljajić explains that there are regular controls of the form of firms operating in Serbia within Agrokor.

“We regularly monitor everything, consulting and proposing measures if necessary. Those firms have stable operation, but it doesn’t mean that the crises is over, we are interested in having those firms operating and employing our people”, says Minister, adding that the retail market in Serbia is stable.