Mr Ljajić: Our objective is a good quality Law on Tourism and Law on Hospitality

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has chaired today the second session of the National Council for Development of Tourism of the Republic of Serbia in this convocation, in which they discussed the Draft Law on Tourism and Draft Law on Hospitality.

As for the existing Draft Laws, the line ministry is having a public discussion which will last in the period 1-20 June 2018.

During the public discussion in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, there were two round tables where the participants of touristic sector discussed and proposed constructive proposals of legal solutions.

“Even though the public debate officially ends tomorrow, as long as we wait for the laws to be adopted we are open for more suggestions in order to make these laws of best quality” said Mr Ljajić to the council members.

State Secretary for Tourism Miroslav Knežević has stressed that having in mind the EU regulation, the regulation of developed touristic countries, the level of achieved tourism developed in the Republic of Serbia, and the demand of the economy, we have conditions for the hospitality sectors to get its Law on Hospitality, while the priority objective of the proposed solutions of both Laws is the reduction of grey economy in these economic sectors.

In the session of the National Council there was a discussion about the promotional activities, and the director of the Tourism Organisation of Serbia Marija Labović has announced the preparation of the Strategic Marketing Plan for positioning of Serbia as a touristic destination for the period 2019-2024, to present the umbrella document of future activities and national and local touristic organisations in Serbia.