Mr Ljajić opens the Third International Fair “Silk Road“ in China

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić, will stay in the official visit to China, starting today until Monday June 5, where in the city of Xi’an in the province of Shaanxi, he will open the Third International Fair “Silk Road”, where Serbia is a special guest and a partner country.

Since it is a special guest of the fair, Serbia will have the largest pavilion, where at the space of 500 square metres it will present the economic and touristic potential, and the elements of tradition and culture of our country.

During his stay in Xi’an, Deputy PM Rasim Ljajić will have meetings with the Deputy Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yang, and discuss the future steps for improving the bilateral economic cooperation, opportunities for new Chinese investment in Serbia and realisation of already started joint projects of the two countries.

In Xi’an, during the international fair “Silk Road”, the 21st Investment Forum will also take place, participated by representatives of 20 companies from our country, mostly in the field of agriculture and food industry.

The Province of Shaanxi is considered to be one of the cradles of Chinese culture having around 38 million citizens, while its capital Xi’an has almost 9 million citizens