Mr Ljajić opens 57th Trumpet festival in Guča

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has opened the 57th Dragačevo Trumpet Festival in Guča, expressing his hope that the festival has always been the place for the best ones. This year, he says, we expect more than half a million visitors in Guča.

“Guča is not only the capital of trumpets, but thanks to this festival, Serbia, as a brand country for trumpets, important touristic event. Thanks to this festival we have an increasing number not only of visitors, but of tourists, since such events are becoming one of the main factors in choosing a specific touristic destination”, says Mr Ljajić.

Mr Ljajić opens 57th Trumpet festival in Guča

According to his words, the most important factor why people are coming to a destination is stability and safety.

“By organising this festival, we are showing that Serbia is a safe and stabile country, and there is no more important thing than to come to a festival with no fear and concern that something bad will happen”, says Mr Ljajić.

Minister has added that it is very important for Guča as a touristic destination, but for entire Serbia as well, to raise the festival to a higher level. The goal is, as Mr Ljajić has stated, to attract a large number of foreign guests, saying that we have to work much harder on the marketing itself, promotion and affirmation.

Today is the 57th festival in this town, near the monument of a trumpet, the festival’s flag, to be brought by paratroopers, with the festival’s hymn “Sa Ovčara I Kablara”. The festival which lasts until August 13, will gather 55 orchestras in five festival days.

Expected great number of visitors is based on the free entrance to all programme contents and concerts.