Mr Ljajić on Agrokor: Serbia is taking measures to protect the interests

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has stated early today that Serbia is monitoring the situation in Agrokor and is taking measures to protect its economic interests, first of all the interests of the employees, suppliers and the government.

Mr Ljajić has told the press that there is a fair communication with the employer of Agrokor’s firms in Serbia – with Merkator, Dijamant and Frikom – and that Serbia tends to held as much as it can, since it’s in its interest to preserve the job positions.

“It is about 11.000 employees and around 2.000 suppliers and they are in our focus at the moment” Mr Ljajić emphasized.

Underlining the fact that the centre of the crisis is in Croatia, Mr Ljajić has said that Serbia can only monitor the situation regarding the restructuring of Agrokor.

As he has said, it would be best to finish the process as soon and as successful as possible.