Mr Ljajić: “Final Four“ as a promotion of Serbia as a touristic destination

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has stated early today that this will we a record May in the last several years when it comes to the inflow of foreign currency thanks to the final tournament of Euro league “Final Four” taking place in Belgrade.

Mr Ljajić, being a guest at the RST, has said that the NBS will come up with the accurate data on the inflow of foreign currency in two months, stating that each sport event, no matter which sport it is, brings a significant inflow of foreign currency.

He said that overnight stays during this tournament are three times more expensive than normally, that there are 70 flights more than usually, and that people are searching for the accommodation in Novi Sad, Zrenjanin, and Inđija.
Minister is pointing out that according to the statistics, 58 per cent of people coming to these sport events will come again.

“Final Four Organisation is a global promotion of Serbia as a touristic destination”, says Minister.
Since the Fenerbahce is playing in the finals, Mr Ljajić says that during his visit to Turkey there were talks about a possible presence of the officials of that country in the Arena.

“I can’t say at this point if that will happen”, says Mr Ljajić.

Speaking of the possibility of abolition of roaming charges in the EU for the West Balkans, Mr Ljajić has underlined that the statement on the support to the digital agenda signed at the Summit in Sofia is a small step, and that the process will take some time.

There are a lot of stages before us before the abolition of the roaming charges, the process itself is not simple, but “we will be persistent”, says Minister.

Mr Ljajić, who will be part of the delegation visiting Azerbaijan, said that the purpose of the visit of President Vučić and the delegation were to make the good political relations concrete through the trade cooperation which is now poor.

There are no big contacts between the economies, says Mr Ljajić, but as he has pointed out, we are signing an air traffic agreement.

As for the possibilities of Serbian manufacturers, Mr Ljajić says that they can be primarily found in agriculture.