Mr Ljajić: Fast Internet in every household by 2020

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Rasim Ljajić has said today that in the upcoming four years every single household in Serbia should have access to the fast Internet. “If we achieve this ambitious goal, it will increase the GDB by one, i.e. 1.5 per cent”, Minister has stated.

Љајић: До 2020. брз интернет за свако домаћинство

While opening this year’s regional conference on the information and communication technologies, Telfor 2016, he has pointed out the significance of this sector, saying that the European Union will invest additional 20 billion euros by 2020 in the development of digital technologies and information networks.

When speaking of the use of the IT in Serbia, there is a constant moderate growth, thus the number of households having a computer has reached 65 per cent, those having access to the Internet 64 per cent, and the connection to the fast Internet 58 per cent of households.

“In Serbia, the Internet is used by 3.1 million citizen, which is by 150.000 more than last year and comparing to the global lists Serbia take 50th position in this sector”, Mr Ljajić has stated.

He has said that it is not enough, since there is a potential for additional growth.

“Our basic goal is to establish the broadband telecommunication network. That goal was mentioned in the reform programme of the Government and it is one of the key measures. We want every single household in Serbia to have the access to the fast Internet by 2020”, Minister has mentioned.

Minister has also added that it is not something easily achieved, but with the support of the IT community and economy, it is possible.

“The same situation took place 50-60 years ago, where people needed television. Today, people have the need and desire to have the Internet”, Mr Ljajić has concluded.