Mr Ljajić: Expecting stable operation of Agrokor’s firms in Serbia

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said early today that Agrokor’s firms operating in Serbia will continue with stable operation meeting all the obligations towards the employees and suppliers.

When opening the first Roda supermarket in Pirot, Mr Ljajić said that it was the right place for Serbian Government, after lots of things going on in Agrokor this years, to provide support to Merkator and other companies operating within this concern in Serbia.

“This is our support since our desire was to prevent panic taking place, which could have resulted in the largest enemy for the process we are expecting, which is to finally resolve the issue of Agrokor and have these companies fully operate in Serbia”, says Mr Ljajić.

Opening the 35th retail facility of Roda supermarket, which is a part of Merkator S company, Minister says that the Government will pursue encouraging competitiveness in the retail sector which will possibly ensure lower prices for consumers.

Mr Ljajić has said that the cheapest products can’t exist without modern store chains and facilities which as this one opened today in Pirot covering the area of over three thousand square metres.

Opening of the market selling more than 70 per cent of products made in Serbia, as he has added, is a big opportunity for domestic suppliers.

“This is, at the same time, a big opportunity for all suppliers from Pirot where there are successful agricultural manufacturers who can place their products not only in this facility but in all other facilities of Merkator S, and I hope that they will use the opportunity”, he said.

Minister underlined that the trade sector in Serbia is vital, employing 262 thousand people, and the share of trade in the GDP is around nine per cent.

“Serbian Government is fully ready to support all those investing in Serbian economy”, Minister emphasized.