Mr Ljajić: Excellent start of the touristic year

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has stated in the national RTS Journal that the touristic year has an excellent start and that the number of domestic tourists is by 12 per cent higher, while the number of foreign tourists has increased by 17 per cent compared to the same period last year.

“Foreign tourists mostly come from the countries of the region, and there is also a growth in the number of Russian tourists for the first time, thanks to the direct flights and the visa-free regime, the Chinese take the eighth position when it comes to the number of foreign tourists in our country”, says Mr Ljajić.

When speaking of vouchers, the Minister has repeated that the interest in them exceeds the expectations this year as well.

Mr Ljajić has stated that some touristic capacities at this point, due to Easter holidays and spring break, are 85 per cent full.