Mr Ljajić and Ms Repčekova on economic cooperation and tourism

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbian Government and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has talked to the Slovakian Ambassador Ms Dagmar Repčekova early today on the improvement of the overall economic relations between the two countries and the models of cooperation in tourism.

Ms Repčekova has used the opportunity to express the willingness of some Slovakian entrepreneurs to invest in tourism in Serbia, pointing out the successful implementation of the model of property transformation of spa capacities in Slovakia and investments in new contents.

Mr Ljajić has welcomed the interest of investors from Slovakia in Serbian tourism inviting them to participate in quality raising in spas and other tourism destination through new investments but also through the privatisation process.

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbian Government and the Ambassador of Slovakia have talked about other ways of promotion of bilateral economic relations, and agreed that a big potential for cooperation lies in the field of chemical industry, agriculture, food industry and wood processing.