Mr Ljajić and Mr Cavusoglu about the infrastructural projects and new Turkish investments

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has met early today in Bursa with Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Hakan Cavusoglu, and the two have talked about improving the overall economic relations of the two countries and the realisation of infrastructural projects.

On that occasion Mr Cavusoglu has said that the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Serbia and the talks with President Aleksandar Vučić have opened a now page in the relations of the two countries, adding that the realisation of all projects agreed during the president’s visit will start in spring.

Deputy PM Ljajić, as an illustration of the improved relations has emphasized the fact that the trade in goods between the two countries in the first 11 months of last year went beyond the record of one billion USD.

That is by 21 per cent higher than in 2016, and since this months a new agreement has been signed for encouraging and protecting investments, and the arrival of new Turkish investors, this year we expect even higher foreign trade, especially when it comes to our export to Turkey, says Mr Ljajić.

In the meeting at the businessmen association Rumelisaid in Bursa, gathering businessmen whose origin is the Ex-Yugoslavia, Mr Ljajić has invited Turkish companies to invest in Serbia, since Belgrade is becoming the hub for investments from Turkey in the West Balkan region.