Mr Ljajić: 67.000 vouchers given out, provided additional 20.000 vouchers

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said today as a guest at RTS that 67.000 vouchers have been given out to Serbian tourists for holidays in domestic spas and mountains.
Mr Ljajić has stated that additional 20.000 vouchers have been provided as well, hoping to be given out in early August.

“We’ve given out 67.000 vouchers so far, and for the same period last year we gave out 32.000 vouchers, which is twice as much compared to last year”, says the Minister.

As he has explained, they are considering the next step – whether to apply for new funds from the budget reserves or to end the action two months earlier than planned.

Mr Ljajić says that the growth of the number of foreign tourists visiting our country is higher than when it comes to domestic ones, and that the percentage of foreign tourists in the first five months this year it is by 15 per cent higher than in the same period last year.

In the first five months, as he has clarified, there were no big events such as Exit, Guča, Beer Fest, so the Minister expects that this will be a scoring year when it comes to foreign and domestic tourists and a record when it comes to the inflow of foreign currency.

The Ministry has made ambitious plans for this year, and those are three million tourists, 1.4 million of foreign tourists and the inflow of foreign currency in the amount of 1.3 billion Euros, and Mr Ljajić says that we are near to reaching those set goals.

“If we keep this trend from the beginning of the year, there are no reasons not to make it go on”, Minister concluded.