Mr Knežević: We want to define the strategic development frame for Golija

State Secretary for Tourism Miroslav Knežević has said in Kraljevo in the meeting within the project “Golija – transition from plans to development”, that it is the most important to create plan documents and define the model of management in order to create conditions to use and valorise all potentials in Golija in some future period of development.

He has said that Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications has initiated that project because the commitment to define the strategic frame of further development of the Natural Park of Golija.

Mr Knežević has stressed that planning of further development of the Natural Park of Golija, with compliance with the postulates of sustainable development, we should engage the representatives of local self-governments as much as we can.

Кнежевић: Желимо да дефинишемо стартешки оквир развоја Голије

Mr Knežević: We want to define the strategic development frame of Golija.

Project “Golija – transition from planning to development” is funded by the European Union and the Swiss Government through the programme European PROGRES and Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications in cooperation with the Regional Development Agency “Zlatibor”.

The plan of the project is to create the missing plan documents, define the model of managing the sustainable development of tourism and the campaign directed towards the information of all interested parties for the creation of the action plan of development of the Natural Park of Golija.