Mr Knežević: We have to improve the touristic position of Tršić and Podrinje

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Miroslav Knežević has participated in the meeting about Tršić on the topic of touristic valorisation of the Cultural and Educational Centre “Vuk Karadžić”.

Mr Knežević has concluded in the meeting that together with the Vuk’s House, the First Writer’s House, Museum of Language and Letters, and the Vuk’s Memorial School, and the traditional event “Vuk’s Fair”, this centre is a potential which should be additionally boosted with the existing touristic offer of Podrinje and which will improve the position of Tršić and Loznica on the touristic map of Serbia.

He has said that the cultural and touristic potentials can be additionally valorised also by the creation of the value chain based on the cultural and natural beauties of Podrinje.

This centre gathers experts dealing with history, culture, letters, and contributes to the preservation of the national identity and nourishing of the overall historical heritage.

“Vuk Karadžić” Centre can be seen as a visitor centres, since in the meetings of philologists and Slavists, Serbian language is presented as part of our intangible cultural heritage. Additional attractiveness of the touristic offer of Loznica, and the remaining part of Podrinje, has been increased thanks to the workshops, colonies, and camps in the field of culture, science, and education which are held here every year.

Apart from the representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, the meeting was attended by the representatives of the municipality of Loznica, and touristic organisations of Loznica on the topic of touristic valorisation of the cultural and educational centre in Tršić.

In the light of increasing the competitiveness, the representatives of the Ministry have pointed out the significance of the cross-border cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina through the creation of an interesting touristic product, and the possibility of the joint projects preparation.

Podrinje is recognised in the Strategy of Development of Tourism in RS for 2006-2025 as one of priority touristic destinations, and the Ministry has invested RSD 172 million for important infrastructure projects since 2013, for improving the development of tourism in this part of the country.