Mr Knežević: Project for Golija ensures further development of the region

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Miroslav Knežević has said that the realisation of the project “Golija – transition from planning to development” will contribute to the development of this region as a touristic destinations, but also the Development of entire Golija.

Mr Knežević has said at the presentation of the project on development of Golija, that the aim is to create conditions for sustainable development of the Natural Park of Golija, and to make this region develop further so that the local population could benefit and see the chance for survival and further development of Golija.

The project was initiated by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications and supported it financially with EUR 50.000, while the European Union and Swiss Government, through the development programme of European PORGRESS, invested EUR 300.000 for its realisation, which took 18 months.

As the key result of the project there are the creation of the missing plan documentation with over 700 kilometres of corridor infrastructure on the territory of five local self-governments Golija spreads on.

Within the project there is the Action Plan created, defining priorities and key projects for the five-year period and therefore responds to the challenges and activates the local potentials of Golija.

As priority activities there the development of road infrastructure, improvement of the waste management system and natural hazard risk management, and economic strengthening of the local population through encouraging entrepreneurship and improvement of agricultural production.