Measures to develop IT staff and make them stay in Serbia

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, has pointed out, in the introductory speech of the conference Coming IT at the Crowne Plaza hotel, that the key measures suggested by that Ministry in the Strategy of the IT Industry Development, are the development of the IT staff for meeting the needs of the market, but also the creation of the favourable business environment in order to prevent the brain drain regarding this sector.

“Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, led by the Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Rasim Ljajić, has prepared the strategic measures to develop the IT industry so that we could fully use the production and export capacities”, Ms Tatjana Matić has said.

Мере за развој ИТ кадрова и њихов останак у Србији

She has reminded that the promotion and the support to the IT industry was recognised by the Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić as an important segment in the programme of the Serbian Government, as an additional encouragement to all the sectors to use the potentials which information technologies have for the entire economic growth and social development.

“With the retraining programme we are preparing at the moment, we will find fast solutions for the current needs for the staff, while the introduction of the information science and programing as obligatory school subjects will create a long-term opportunity for the establishment of a large number of IT professionals in Serbia. On the other hand, we need to create such technological ecosystems attractive to the experts we have, since we are threatened by the drain of educators in this field”, Ms Tatjana Matić has warned.

She has praised the organisation of expert conferences such as Coming IT, which motivate the experts to improve their knowledge on the trends and apply the cutting edge technological solutions, and the selection of topics for this year’s conference – Smart Cloud.

“Cloud is definitely one of the most significant trends in the network development, since it provides numerous fast and efficient services not only to business subjects but to the citizens as well. Improvement of the legal framework for the use of the cloud, but also for the encouragement of the entire digital economy and e-Administration will contribute to the adoption of the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services, the Law on Electronic Communications, and the implementation of the Law on Information Safety”, concluded the State Secretary Tatjana Matić.