Measures for improving domestic tourism traffic

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić stated for Tanjug that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is preparing a Program of measures for improving domestic tourism traffic which, if all goes according to plan, will be adopted at the Government’s session by the end of next week.

The program will be presented to Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić on Friday, at the beginning of the summer campaign entitled “My Serbia” which aims to promote the tourism potentials of Serbia and encourage domestic tourists to spend their holidays (or at least part of their holidays) in Serbia, said Ljajić.

According to him, the measures include incentives for all those who plan to spend their holiday, or part of their holiday, in one of the tourist destinations in Serbia, especially in spas, on the mountains or in categorized objects in the rural areas.

Consultations will be held with other relevant institutions in order to determine the scope of the measures and the target group that will be encompassed by them.