Matić Presents Diplomas to Awarded Authors in “Digital Class” Competition

State Secretary Tatjana Matić presented diplomas to the awarded authors in the “Digital Class” competition for primary school teachers for the school year 2015/2016 during a ceremony held at the premises of the National Assembly.

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications successfully implemented the “Digital Class” award competition for primary school teachers for the school year 2015/2016, with a large number of participants applying.

Matić Presents Diplomas to Awarded Authors in “Digital Class” Competition

The competition awarded 17 works from each of the following groups of subjects: 1) mathematics, computer science, information science and technical education; 2) social sciences, arts and sport; 3) natural sciences. Matić awarded diplomas for 51 awarded author works.

The competition aimed to stimulate the use of information technologies as teaching tools, i.e. the use of information technologies applicable in teaching and harmonized with the tasks and goals of the class. The teachers participating in the competition demonstrated their efforts to modernize teaching and showcased their efforts to use new technologies to bring their subjects closer to the students.

All the works that comply with the competition conditions are included in the Compendium of Works, to be made publicly available during December at

The application of information technologies in teaching contributes to raising the quality of the educational process and student motivation, increased accessibility and better understanding of the subject being taught.