Macedonia abolishes controversial Regulation on wheat and flour

Deputy Serbian Government Rasim Ljajic is agreed on today meeting in Skopje with Macedonian Minister of Agriculture Ljupco Dimovski that Macedonian government should start procedure to change Regulation which limited import of flour and wheat.
“We agreed that it should be removed every non-tariff barriers in trade with goal for free flow of goods, but and increase a total volume of trade exchange and better economic cooperation between two states”, said Minister of foreign and domestic trade and telecommunications Rasim Ljajic.

How he pointed out, if everything should be in compliance with today agreement and if it be implemented, Serbia will not take any reciprocal measures.
“Also, once a week we will have consultation with goal to prevent all difficulties, to solve practical problems of exporters and importers from Serbia and Macedonia and to find out solution that this Regulation should not be decided”, added Ljajic.
Deputy Serbian Government is recalled to extremely session of CEFTA scheduled on July 22nd in Belgrade on which committee will inform on today agreement, but and envisage that it will be very important that the measures, such as restriction on import of flour and wheat, should not be repeated anymore.
“Such measures do not give contribution neither to a good political relations, especially not for development economical and trade relations between countries in the region”, said Ljajic.
Macedonian Government made last week official decision that import of Serbian wheat and flour should be tied for purchase of domestic wheat and flour.
By that decision, for kilogram of imported wheat from other countries, and so that from Serbia, to Macedonian importers is ordered that must buy three kilograms domestic wheat, and for kilogram of flour four kilograms of wheat from domestic production.