Ljajić: Record exports in 2013

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić noted that 2013 has been a record year in terms of exports and the decrease in the foreign trade deficit.

Фото: Танјуг

On an interview for RTV Pink, Ljajić said that foreign companies contributed the most to increasing exports and that among the 15 biggest exporters, 13 are foreign companies which came to Serbia.

He said that Serbia’s biggest export potential is crops, and that the IT industry has a potential for increasing its exports in the current year.

Minister Ljajić said that the provision limiting the price of “Sava” bread, made of T-500 flour, weighing 500 grams, to 46 RSD, which expires at the end of January, will be prolonged for at least another six months.

“We can discuss annulling that provision later” said Ljajić.

Speaking of the arrival of Lidl to Serbia, Ljajić said that it is an ongoing process dictated by the specific business policy of the company.

According to him, the construction of facilities is planned at 15 locations, and negotiations with local governments are underway in order to facilitate and speed up the process of issuing permits in order for the construction of the planned facilities to start in the current year.

Ljajić said that the new Law on Consumer Protection will be fully harmonized with international standards and directives and that it will provide protection to consumers.

According to him, the aim is also to access the World Trade Organization, which will, among other things, enable a simpler investment procedure in Serbia as well as swifter issuing of permits and certificates.