Ljajic: Penalties for misuse of humanitarian aid

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia Rasim Ljajić stated that the market inspectorate received reports that humanitarian aid was being misused and resold, and that it will take action to look into the matter and punish any perpetrators.

Speaking on B92 TV, the Minister said that these were still unconfirmed information and asked the public not to make false alerts because the inspectorate has a limited capacity.

The Minister announced that the inspection will check all the reports; that the authorities will do everything to prevent the shame of the foods that are needed by the most vulnerable population being resold at markets or in stores, and to punish any perpetrators.

“I cannot believe that anyone can do that, but if we catch someone doing so, we’ll announce publicly who it is,” said Ljajić.

He recalled that the market inspectorate has closed down nine retail stores due to unjustified price increases and demanded that they remain closed for a period of six months to two years.

According to him, there were14 reports yesterday of traders unjustifiably raising prices, but noted that the number of such cases is significantly lower than in previous days. Deputy Prime Minister Ljajić reiterated that market supply is stable and there is no shortage.