Ljajić: Growth of export to Slovenia by 20 percent

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia Rasim Ljajić said that in the first quarter of this year Serbia showed a 20 per cent growth in exports to Slovenia, adding that our country still wants to increase the volume of exports to Slovenia, as well as to increase the range of Serbian products on the Slovenian market.

Speaking at the Serbian-Slovenian business forum in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Ljajić said that in addition to the increase in exports, Serbia wants to increase Slovenian investments in Serbia, pointing out that so far there are 1.500 Slovenian companies registered in our country, which is the best recommendation possible for other companies from that country to invest in Serbia.

Ljajić said that Serbia now covers 99.3 per cent of its imports from Slovenia by its exports to that country, which, as he pointed out, would have been unimaginable a few years ago.

The Deputy Prime Minister added that Serbia is working on changing its business environment and that the process of adoption of a series of important laws that will enable a better business climate and greater foreign investment is ongoing.

Ljajić said that Serbia is interested in a joint participation of Serbian and Slovenian companies in third markets, recalling that such a memorandum of cooperation was signed late last year, as both Serbia and Slovenia are small markets that need to come together in order to be competitive.

As Ljajić noted, Serbia is also interested in the logistical support of Slovenia in the use of European funds, bearing in mind that Slovenia has significant experience in that area.

Ljajić said that the political and legal cooperation between the two countries is excellent, and that there are no outstanding issues between the two countries which is a good prerequisite for strengthening economic cooperation.

He recalled that last year a joint session of the two governments was held, and announced that a similar session will be held this year in Ljubljana.

Ljajić announced that a joint SerbianSlovenian Committee will be held on the June 19 and 20 in Slovenia and that the areas in which cooperation could be improved have already been defined, including agriculture, environment protection, transport, ICT sector and the field of rehabilitation of consequences of natural disasters.

We will do everything we can to improve economic cooperation between the two friendly countries, said Ljajić, adding that so far we have signed 17 bilateral agreements, including an agreement on economic and trade cooperation, investment promotion and social insurance.

The President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor said that relations between Slovenia and Serbia are finally excellent and that there is nothing that could spoil them in the future.

He recalled that early parliamentary elections will be held in Slovenia soon and that the new government should be formed in September or October.

The process of economic recovery is commencing in Slovenia, and its pace will depend on the policies of the government and the business community, said the Slovenian President.

About 120 Serbian companies and 100 Slovenian companies are participating in the SerbianSlovenian business forum in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce