Ljajić: Digital TV Signal for 30,000 Households on Golija

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić deployed today the transmitter of PE Broadcasting Equipment and Communications on Golija Mountain, thereby providing 30,000 households on Pešter and in the villages below Golija with a quality digital television signal.

Ljajić noted that 97.8 percent of Serbia is covered by the digital signal at this point, but efforts will be made during the coming period to additionally increase digital signal coverage.

The Minister elaborated that this is one of the largest projects in this field.

“The project provided EUR 90 million of pure profit for the state, and provided the population with the capacity for quality image, sound, and of course, numerous services provided by digital television”, said Ljajić.

He said that 2.2 percent of the population is still not covered by the signal, and added that the standard in this field is to consider a country digitalized if coverage is at 95 percent.

“We have covered more than that, but we have decided to also cover the remaining two percent of the population of Serbia with a digital signal. One digital station was deployed today, while 15 were deployed between June and today”, said Ljajić.

He added that it is impossible to cover 100 percent of the territory due to technical and geographic reasons, but he believes a 99 percent coverage is attainable, considered to be an incredible success.

The minister repeated that around 30,000 citizens of Golija and Pešter will be receiving a digital signal with 15 channels and added that the deployment of this ETV transmitter will provide users in Novi Pazar with an even better signal.