Lazarević: Chapter 10 should be seen as a developmental opportunity to modernize our economy

State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Stefan Lazarević participated today at the “Introduction to the process of EU accession negotiations and the role of civil society – chapter 10 of the acquis (Information Society and Media)”. The event was intended for representatives of civil society organizations dealing with issues in chapter 10 of the acquis (chapter 10) in the process of accession to the European Union.

As the Head of the negotiating group for chapter 10, Lazarević stressed that the negotiation process in this chapter should be seen as a development opportunity, a chance to modernize the economy of our country and society as a whole, being that in the case of chapter 10, the negotiation process is not just a question of harmonization of legislation, but also an important issue for further development of broadband Internet access (broadband), eGovernment and eHealth.

He also stressed that in accordance with its role in this part of the negotiation process, the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications is the most vocal proponent of electronic public debates and added that option “ePublic debate” can be found on the eGovernment portal.

The representatives of civil society organizations expressed their view with regard to the possibility of their participation in the negotiation process in chapter 10.