Kragujevac as the 9th city on the route of IT Caravan 02

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has presented the programme of the campaign “IT Caravan 02” to the pupils of primary school “Svetozar Marković” in Kragujevac.

The presentation was given in the Children’s Theatre of Kragujevac, after which the instructors of the “Edulab” Association realised a workshop for pupils on programming robots.

On this occasion an educational set of robots was given as a present to the school to use it in teaching.

Крагујевац девети град на путу ИТ каравана 02

At the city square the citizens were presented other programmes for development of the information society of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, and a survey was carried out on online safety.

The campaign for smart and safe use of new technologies “IT Caravan” was launched in 2016, and this year it’s been realised in Novi Pazar, Pirot. Niš, Zaječar, Kraljevo, Užice, Čačak, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Subotica, Novi Sad, Pančevo and Sombor.

Крагујевац девети град на путу ИТ каравана 02

Partner of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications on the project are the Ministry of Education Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Interior, organisation Save the Children for North-West Balkans and Microsoft company.

The next stops of the IT Caravan is Subotica, on Thursday, May 18.