Kovač: We expect a stabilisation of the meat price in the days to come

State Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Ms Vesna Kovač has said that she expects a stabilisation of the meat price in the days to come.

Ms Kovač has said to the RTS that there are no reasons to increase the price of sugar, and that the current sugar shortage occurred due to the repair of the sugar factory.

“We were told that the repair of the sugar factories is the cause of the current sugar shortage in Jagodina, but there is no reason to increase the sugar price, since there is enough sugar on the Serbian market”, Ms Kovač has said.

She has added that the government is reluctant to make interventions on the market, but it can only be a guiding factor for the market functioning.

“However, if a market disruption occurs regarding either the supply or an enormous price increase, the government will intervene with the commodity reserves, and if even that proves to have insufficient results, it will certainly undertake measures to facilitate the import, or even emergency import”, she says.

Ms Kovač has added that, based on the semi-annual result, she expects the inflation this year will go a bit lower than the planned 3.5 per cent.