Joint solutions for stabilisation of “Agrokor“ concern

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has said that after the meeting on the operations of Agrokor, Serbia is in a better position than other countries in the region because of the special legal status of Merkator C regarding Agrokor. “We have similar issues, but we‘re seeking for joint solutions”, said minister.

As he has pointed out, this meeting was not directed towards any of us, and the goal of joint activities is to stabilize the situation in the entire region.

Формиран министарски тим за решавање Агрокора

He has said that it is expected that the new management of Agrokor equally treats all suppliers, in Croatia, and outside of it. “We expect the new manager of Agrokor to appoint independent experts for a successful restructuring of the firms belonging to the concern”, he said.

“We are monitoring the situation in Croatia and we are willing to talk to the representatives of the Croatian Government. We expect this crises to be solved, without negative consequences for daughter firms”, Mr Ljajić has said.

He has added that currently there are no needs for adoption of a lex specialis law since the law is clear enough.

“We have the law which is clear and which can prevent the outflow of financial funds from Serbia”, Mr Ljajić said.

As already said, each country will conduct the control of financial and goods flows of the companies related to Agrokor, in line with the laws existing in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Slovenia.

Due to the situation in Agrokor, a ministerial team has been established to be in a daily communication in order to exchange information and take joint activities to preserve jobs, interest of suppliers and stabile business of the firms belonging to Agrokor I each of the countries.
Willingness has been shown in the meeting to have talks with the representatives of the Croatian Government in order to identify joint solutions for the stabilisation of business of entire Agrokor concern.