IT to boost the entire economy

State Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tatjana Matić, has stated at the opening of 10th Regional Trade Fair in Nova Pazova, that the economy of Vojvodina finds a great significance in the fact that the provincial government invests in nourishing the favourable business environment and that with its first step it has acknowledged the needs for investment in developing projects and convergence of various economic sectors, such as the sectors of agriculture and information.

She has stressed that industry of information technology takes a significant place in the economic image of Serbia, since it is achieving positive results, which refers to the IT entrepreneurship in Vojvodina, economic and scientific and technological clusters and incubators.

ИТ за допринос целокупној привреди

“The potential of this sector takes a key role in the new programme of Serbian Government, presented by the PM Aleksandar Vučić, which means an additional stimulus for the institutions of the system and companies for investment in the development of information technologies and their application in all economic sectors”, State Secretary has stressed.

“Since this sector has almost twice more export than import, which is one of the most important indicators of the benefit for the industry, it is necessary to use the production and export capacities of the IT industry for further contribution to Serbian economy.

Therefore, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, in consultations with the representatives of the leading IT clusters, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and other institutions competent for economic development, has prepared the Draft Strategy for development of IT industry, which foresees the improvement of business conditions for domestic IT companies, incentives for establishing IT companies and production of domestic software products”, Ms Tatjana Matić has stated, expressing her expectation that this Draft will be on the agenda of the first session of the newly established Council for Improvement of Information Technology Sector.

ИТ за допринос целокупној привреди

As a key measure for development of the IT industry, Ms Matić has mentioned the development of staff potentials, which will benefit from the introduction of a compulsory subject in the education process, and the programme of retraining prepared by this Ministry, which will also provide a large number of people with the opportunity to obtain IT competences through courses co-financed by the Government.

She has mentioned that the development of tourism is one of the priorities of Serbian Government, reminding that the Ministry allocates funds for raising infrastructure in the field of sports tourism, and with the aim to develop the potentials of the Danube.

Regional Trade Fair was ceremonially opened by the Prime Minister of the AP of Vojvodina, Mr Igor Mirović, who has underlined that the Government will continue with the positive policy to encourage the development of municipalities, domestic entrepreneurship, but also foreign investment.

The 10th Regional Trade Fair, with the slogan “Economic Srem is Amazing”, is held on 22nd and 23rd of September, at the Complex of sport and recreational swimming pool in Nova Pazova, organised by the Municipality of Stara Pazova and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Srem.