IT industry as a generator of digital literacy

Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić has underlined early today at the opening of the conference “Oracle Academy Day”, that development of e-education is one of fundamental priorities defined by the Strategy of Development of Information Society until 2020.

In his speech Mr Savić has underlined that one of the priorities of the Ministry is to raise digital competences in the cooperation with the IT industry, with the target to reduce the deficit in IT experts.

ИТ индустрија као генератор дигиталне писмености

The goal of the Oracle Academy is to improve and develop the IT education worldwide, which includes acquisition of new knowledge, innovations, development of skills and diversity in the field of technology.

Mr Savić has stressed that the program of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, named “Digital Knowledge”, is a support to the use of information and communication technology in education, introduction of IT science as an obligatory subject in schools, and it is implemented with the aim to encourage the young to choose new technologies as their future profession.

Oracle Academy works together with 191 education institutions in our country, building partnerships with education institutions worldwide, in order to help the pupils and students get ready for successful IT careers in dynamic environment.

Mr Sava Savić has stressed that within the program “Digital Class”, at the website of the Ministry one can find an electronic collection of over 1.000 awarded papers by teachers.

“Possibility to use international services of e-education as a stable, safe and free access to the Internet, active protection and online support, the schools will get through the project of connection of all primary and secondary schools to the Academic Network of the Republic of Serbia”, says Mr Savić.

Oracle Academy is an example of good practice of socially responsible behaviour of large IT companies operating in Serbia, and a good example of how large companies can give back to the IT community by providing them with their resources to use them in education non-profit organisation with the aim to develop IT education at all levels in order to make the students develop IT and business skills by using the latest technologies, and through the professional development make the teaching staff keep the pace with technology.

In the last school year, Oracle Academy in Serbia trained 285 teachers, in the field of Java programs, Database Design, Coding in SQL, PL/SQL, coding in Alice and Greenfoot environments.