IT Caravan 03 in Subotica

IT Caravan 03, a school campaign of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, for a beneficial and safe use of digital technologies, has been presented in Subotica, in the Children Theatre, to pupils, their parents and teachers, from six primary schools: “Sonja Marinković”, “Miroslav Antić”, “Ivan Milutinović”, “Matko Vuković”, and “Ivan Goran Kovačić”.

In the introductory part of the programme the school representatives were given presents – educational sets of robots for use in teaching, and the audience was addressed by Igor Jurić, president and founder of “Tijana Jurić” Foundation.

Popular actors Brankica Sebastijanović, Vučić Perović and Predrag Vasić have performed an educational play for the pupils about the online safety of children: “The easiest way to ruin your life online”, and after that digital workshops were carried out. The workshops in coding for children were led by Professor Nevenka Spalević, while the workshops for parents were led by the representatives of the National Contact Centre for Online Safety of Children.

ИТ каравван 03 у Суботици

Campaign IT Caravan, with the aim to encourage a smart and safe use of new technologies, has been carried out by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications for the third consecutive years already. Partners of the Ministry are, as in previous years, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development and Microsoft Company, and this year the National Association of Parents and Teachers of Serbia and Petlja Foundation have joint them.

ИТ каравван 03 у Суботици

The main programme is presented to 24 schools in total, in the regional centres in Serbia. On the road map of the IT Caravan there are: Belgrade where the campaign started on February 27, Subotica, in which the programme was realised on March 6, then Novi Sad, Niš, and Novi Pazar. Open promotions for the citizens are realised within the campaign, as well as additional workshops for parents in other six cities: Sečanj, Zrenjanin, Leskovac, Čačak, Kraljevo, and Užice.