Introducing regional winter breaks would extend the tourist season

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić said today that the ministry will propose to the Ministry of Education the introduction of regional winter breaks for students in order to extend the winter tourist season.

At a press conference in the Tourist Organization of Serbia, Ljajić explained that the introduction of regional winter breaks would not only extend the winter season, but would also lower the price of winter vacations.

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The proposal is to distribute the pupils’ winter breaks over two months instead of the current 15 or 20 days for all regions, said Ljajić.

He also pointed out that the Ministry of Education has proposed a solution to the problem of school excursions.

Ljajić noted that the parent’s dinar should be excluded from public procurement because it creates problems to schools and travel agencies that organize the excursions.

According to him, the Ministry of Finance expressed its understanding for this proposal an agreement which would embody this proposal should be reached soon.