Internet dialogue Serbia 2013

Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), EuroDIG‘s (European Dialogue on Internet Governance) and Diplo Foundation is organizing a conference on June 25th 2013, Internet dialogue Serbia in The members Club, 2 Tolstoy street, Belgrade.

Second Internet dialogue of Serbia is organized to raise awareness of the importance of the Internet for developing Serbia and improving dialogue between the government, regulatory bodies, the business sector and civil society.

Internet dialogue of Serbia conference was similar to their European and global initiatives open for informal discussion and exchange between stakeholders from all over Serbia on issues of development, use and management internet. Serbia is from the beginning involved in the implementation of these initiatives as a basis for further development of the information society and the Internet.

Participation in the conference is done by registering on until Jun 21st 2013 in the form of:

Name and surname, institution, an indication of which of the three parallel sessions are interested in, as the place for the participants is limited.