Increase in the number of Internet users in Serbia

More than 2.4 million citizens use the Internet on a daily or almost daily basis, which is 300 thousand more than in the year 2012, as published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (RZS). In Serbia, 59.9% of households own a computer, while 55.8% have an internet connection. The number of households which own a computer is higher by 4.7% compared to last year, while the number of internet connection is higher by 8.3%.

The analysis of Internet users according to gender shows that it is used by 57% of men and 50% of women.

More than 806 thousand citizens use electronic public administration services, while 900 thousand have used the Internet to buy or order goods or services, which is something 64.6% of Internet users in Serbia have never done.

It was found that that 31.6% of households have a laptop, which is 10.2% more than last year; 98.2% of households have a TV set, and 86.9% of households have a mobile phone.

The presence of computers in Belgrade equals 67.1%, in Vojvodina 64%, and in Central Serbia 55.1%. In cities, 66.3% of households have a computer, while in rural areas 50.9%; however, this difference has decreased compared to last year.

It is specified that most of the households that have an Internet connection have an income of more than 600 euros a month (89.8% of the households that have an Internet connection), while in households with an income of up to 300 euros a month only 39.5% have an Internet connection.

Research has shown that the number of households which access the Internet via mobile phone has increased by 8% compared to the year 2012. On the other hand, the number of households which access the Internet via PC has decreased by 3.9%.

93.4% of Internet users aged 16 to 24 have a profile on the social networks (Facebook, Twitter). Instead of making personal contacts or visiting public institutions or administration bodies, 26.1% of Internet users use the internet to do so.

As for enterprises, 99.6% of them have an Internet connection, which is 1.9% more than in the year 2012, as published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (RZS). According to the research about the use of ICT in Serbia in the year 2013, three-quarters (73.8%) of the enterprises that have an Internet connection have a web site. 59.9% of households own a computer, while 55.8% have an internet connection.

It is specified that differences exist in relation to territorial integrity, so in Belgrade 83.7% of enterprises have a web site, in Vojvodina 73.5%, while in Central Serbia 61.9%.

The analysis of enterprises according to their size shows that all large and medium-sized enterprises have an Internet connection, while 99.5% of small enterprises have an Internet connection.

Of the total number of enterprises that have an Internet connection, 87.6% of them use e-Government services; that is 0.2% more than in the year 2012, and 7.8% more than in the year 2011, as stated by the Statistical Office.

It is stated that during the year 2012, 40.2% of enterprises which have an Internet connection used the internet to order goods or services, which is more by only 0.1% than in the year 2011.

The results of the research of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia showed that only 20.9% of enterprises which have an Internet connection received orders via the Internet (excluding e-mail orders).

In 29.7% of enterprises, a quarter of the employees use a computer at least once a week, while in 39.7% of enterprises 75-100% of the employees use a computer at least once a week.

The research of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia encompassed enterprises with 10 or more employees, which deal with trade, maintenance of automobiles, transport, storage and communication, as well as real estate, supply of electricity, gas, steam or water; accommodation and food services; information and communication; administrative and supporting services, as well as the financial sector.