In June this year Belgrade is hosting the International conference “Sustainable Development in Tourism in the Danube Region – New Perspectives”

Assistant Minister for tourism Ms Renata Pindžo, at the 105th session of the UN Executive Council in Madrid, stated that Serbia is committed to the UN objectives in the field of sustainable development of tourism, since the year 2017 was proclaimed the International Year of Sustainable Development in Tourism.

Ms Pindžo, who in the previous two days was a co-chair in the session, has informed the participants that Belgrade is going to be the host of the International conference “Sustainable Development in Tourism in the Danube Region – New Perspectives” this year in June. The objective of the conference will be to present the policy and strategic grounds for sustainable development of joint touristic products and marketing platforms in the Danube region and beyond.

Apart from the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, the organisation of the conference will be done by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and German organisation for international cooperation (GIZ).

In the 105th session of the Executive Council, Mr Zurab Pololikashvili, from Georgia, was elected as the new Secretary General, whose term will last for the period 2018-2021. This decision was confirmed at the 22nd seating of the General Assembly of the UNWTO in Chengdu in China, in September 2017.