Horizon 2020 and small and medium enterprises

State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Stevan Nikčević participated in the presentation of the program of the EC fund “Horizon 2020”, at the scientific club of the Science Promotion Center in Belgrade. The representatives of 40 small and medium enterprises were presented with the conditions for applying their project for grants from the new EU fund.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technical Development Aleksandar Belić and Assistant to the Minister of Education, Science and Technical Development Viktor Nedović were also present.

“Horizon 2020” is the EU’s biggest program for research and innovation, and includes a fund of 78 billion euros available for the upcoming seven years. From July 1, when the Republic of Serbia joined the “Horizon 2020” program, these funds became available to local entrepreneurs, scientists and the civil sector. The way in which this program can help small and medium enterprises is of particular importance.

It was announced that through the cooperation of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the relevant ministries, the representatives of the economy will be informed of future possibilities provided by Serbia’s accession to the EU.