Held public hearing and round table on the Draft Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services

Assistant Minister for Information Society Mr Sava Savić has stated early today at the opening of the round table that the implementation of this Law which is equally important for the economy, state administration and local self-government and the citizens, ensures the progress in the international position and action.

“The basic goal of the legislative development is to ensure and encourage faster and more efficient operations and operative cost reductions, to develop the trust service market, to modernise and make efficient the work of public authorities and companies, to provide the citizens with easier and more secure access to services of public authorities and other subjects, and to ensure a reliable storage of electronic documents”, Mr Savić has said.

Assistant Minister has stressed that the Law defines that the validity and power of evidence of an electronic document cannot be denied solely because it is in electronic form. It is a very important provision, Mr Savić says, since in principle it ensures the electronic documents are acknowledged as paper ones.

Adoption of this Law, as pointed out by the Assistant Minister for Information Society Mr Sava Savić, is a step forward towards a legal development of e-business, adding that the very development of these issues is significant for the practice i.e. functioning of the e-business in reality.

Mr Savić says that the Law defines that the qualified electronic signature cannot be denied validity or power of evidence only because it is in electronic form, adding that the Law introduces a new service, which is a service of electronic signature in a “cloud”.

“It means that the signatory will not have to have the means for forming the electronic signature (card) with him/herself, but that he/she can access the electronic signature online”, Assistant Minister says.

Law regulated the service of registered electronic delivery, which will, as stated by Mr Savić, will ensure a reliable identification of whether a certain electronic message or electronic document is received and delivered, as well as the time of reception and delivery.

The text of the Draft Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services was published at the web site of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications www.mtt.gov.rs and at the E-Administration Portal www.euprava.gov.rs.

The text of the Draft Law was presented in the meeting, and the representatives of the state authorities, companies, academic communities, vocational associations and eminent experts in this field expressed their opinion and provided proposals and suggestions.

Public hearing is taking place in the period September 7, 2016 – September 30, 2016. The comments on the text of the Draft Law can be submitted electronically at the e-mail address: milan.vojvodic@mtt.gov.rs or by mail to the following address: Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, 22-26 Nemanjina, Information Society Sector, Belgrade.