Great interest in the vouchers for subsidized holidays in Serbia

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić said that citizens are showing great interest in the vouchers for subsidized holidays in Serbia, which is why the relevant Ministry is thinking about extending the deadline for registration for the vouchers.

“Registration started on Monday, and today twice as many people as in the first two days have already signed up. After numerous phone calls to the phones which the Ministry has made available for inquiries of interested persons, we can conclude that a significant number of citizens will use these vouchers,” said Ljajić during a visit to the newly equipped border crossing “Gostun” as part of the promotional campaign “My Serbia”.

Ljajić stressed that one of the most common complaints is that citizens were given a short deadline for registration, as our people do not have the habit of planning their vacation three or four months in advance.

“Therefore, we are thinking about extending the deadline for the submission of applications for allocation of vouchers, and that decision will be made by the end of the week,” said Minister Ljajić, stressing that the Ministry will try to facilitate the procedures for registration, and correct any deficiencies on the go.

“I believe that this campaign will gain full momentum in the next couple of days, as we have seen with the application of caterers, as in the first two days, only a small number applied, while later the number increased significantly. If we extend this deadline, and I believe we will, we expect a large number of domestic tourists to use this benefit and spend their holiday in Serbia,” concluded the Deputy Prime Minister.

The vouchers can be used in 243 hospitality facilities across Serbia which applied for the competition of the Ministry of Trade; pensioners, unemployed citizens registered at the National Employment Agency, recipients of allowance for care and assistance of another person, employees and war veterans whose income does not exceed 60 thousand RSD can apply for the vouchers.