Granted subsidies for development of traditional crafts in the Republic of Serbia in 2016

With the decision on granting the subsidies for development of traditional crafts in 2016, twelve subsidies have been granted to business entities, dealing with traditional crafts. Subsidies are in the amount of 60.000, 100.000 and 200.000 RSD. The total amount of the subsidies is 1.300.000 RSD. For next year the Ministry plans the subsidies in the amount of 10.000.000 RSD.

Upon the conducted Call (which lasted from October 7 to October 24, 2016), and based on the proposals of the Committee appointed by the Minister for defining the proposals on granting subsidies for developing traditional crafts in the Republic of Serbia in 2016, a Decision was made on granting subsidies, on November 10, 2016. The subsidies have been granted to craftsmen dealing with one of the following traditional crafts: weaving, carpet making, embroidery, traditional shoes making, filigree work, iconography, and oriental craft, as follows: five subsidies in the amount of 60 thousand dinars, four subsidies in the amount of 100 thousand dinars and three subsidies in the amount of 200.000 RSD. The beneficiaries of the subsidies shall be obliged to send to the Ministry a report on the used funds proving that the funds (subsidies) are used purposefully. In the attachment there are the Decision and the Ranking List of applications lodged for the Call for subsidies grant.

Ранг листа пријава на Конкурс у 2016. години
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