Good signalisation has increased the tourism profit by 20 per cent

Assistant Minister for tourism Renata Pindžo has said that the Ministry, working together with the Roads of Serbia and Tourism Organisation of Serbia has marked the touristic locations and manufacturers of traditional products in Western Serbia.

In the conference on the contributions of the development programs for private sector to the promotion of tourism, held in Belgrade, she has said that it will ensure the creation of a master plan which will include marking of the entire Serbia with touristic signalisation.

“It’s a systemic thing we’ve been waiting for and that plan will include all the attractions and all what we find important in tourism, in order to increase the number of tourists”, Ms Pindžo has said, noticing that those destinations having good signalisations have increased the profit by 20 per cent.

Project is financed by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency, and thanks to this program Serbia has significantly improved the quality of the touristic offer, which also to a large scale contributed to the development of degustation centres for receiving individual and organised groups of tourists, thanks to which the manufacturers of traditional products are being introduced to the touristic offer of Serbia for the first time.

Assistant Director of the Tourism Organisation of Serbia Vesna Raca Radisavljević has said that a mobile app “Audio guide through Serbia”, launched three weeks ago, has had 1.700 downloads so far.

Apart from the audio recording, the app has photos and descriptions of 1.200 locations, and the locations on the map and contacts as well, which can be useful when travelling.

Ms Radisavljević has stated that downloading of the app is simple, free and that Internet connection is necessary only when downloading it.

The app was developed by TOS with the support of the Regional Development Agency of Zlatibor as a part of the “Private sector development program in South-East Serbia (PSD)”, which is financed by the Swiss Government through the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency.