Financial Support for Innovative Projects Presented at CCIS

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications presented today at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia the Call for Start-Up and Innovative Loans to Commercial Entities in the Field of Information-Communication Technologies.

The event was opened by Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić, taking the opportunity to emphasize that the Ministry recognized the need to assist young companies, as well as older companies with innovative projects, and added that support for such companies is provided by awarding loans under very favourable conditions.

Financial Support for Innovative Projects Presented at CCIS

At the event, organized with the aim of introducing businesspeople and the general public to the conditions of the Call for Start-Up and Innovative Loans to Commercial Entities in the Field of Information – Communication Technologies, representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications presented the conditions of the Call, as well as the documentation required for submitting applications.

During his presentation the Assistant Minister also noted that this Call implements the goals established by the Strategy for the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Serbia by 2020, stating that one of the basic conditions for the development of new innovation projects in the field of ICT is maximum ease of access to capital required for the process of financing research and development, ultimately leading to products with good potential for placement on the global market.

Based on the Decree on the Distribution and Use of Loans for Financing Legal Entities in the Field of ICT in 2016, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications earmarked 50 million dinars for incentives to businesses in this field.

“This capital is required during the early stages of developing start-up and innovation companies, not only to develop and perfect a new product, but also the finance product placement on the market”, said Sava Savić.

The Call for Start-Up and Innovative Loans to Commercial Entities in the Field of Information-Communication Technologies lasts until 7 May, with all information available at the Ministry website at

Savić also said that the Strategy envisages for the software and IT services industry to receive incentives and support in the segments of start-ups and the development of original software products.