Extraordinary meeting of the National Council for Consumer Protection because of the floods

The National Council for Consumer Protection of the Republic of Serbia held today an extraordinary meeting dedicated to analyzing the effects of the catastrophic flooding that has befallen many cities and municipalities in Serbia in the previous days.

On that occasion, the National Council for Consumer Protection has appealed to all traders who sell food and drinking water to pay special attention to the safety of the said goods and urged them to follow all the decisions and recommendations of the relevant state institutions.

Members of the National Council for Consumer Protection also called on all the market authorities in the country to increase the control of the condition and quality of fresh fruit and vegetables sold in markets, in order to eliminate risks to health and safety of consumers.

Representatives of consumer organizations participating in the National Council drew attention to the importance of accurately and timely informing citizens and agreed that coordination is necessary with state authorities, in order to eliminate the possibility of incorrect and incomplete news regarding the situation in the market after the floods.

The meeting of the National Council for Consumer Protection was chaired by the president of this body and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić. In addition to representatives of state institutions from the sectors of trade, health and agriculture, the heads of the most relevant consumer organizations, as well as members from the ranks of academia also participated in the work of the tripartite body.