Expecting a big rush of Chinese tourist

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbian Government and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has stated in Niš that Serbia is one of rare countries in the region which will have a visa-free regime with China, with is of priceless importance for the coming Chinese tourists.

“We are ready to welcome the abolition of visas and we expect to have a real rush in tourism next year when it comes to Chinese tourists”, Mr Ljajić has said when the Serbian Government suggested the abolition of visa regime in the session in Niš.

According to his words, it is known that Chinese tourist come in large numbers and that they spend a lot of money so the countries in the world strive to attract them.

Mr Ljajić has announced that on November 12 Serbia will participate in the big Tourism Fair in Shanghai, and present the brochures and tourism offer of our country, in Chinese language.

Minister has added that Serbia, together with Bosnia and Herzegovina will present the tourism tour “The ways of Walter” and a book by a Chinese novelist on Serbia.