Enhancing economic cooperation with Qatar

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic met today in Belgrade with a delegation of the Qatar State Investment Fund, led by Sheikh Faisal Saud al-Thani, to discuss the Qatari investment in Serbia.

The two officials agreed to have contacts between businessmen of the two countries intensified, adding that business contacts will contribute to the improvement of bilateral economic cooperation and total trade.

They announced intergovernmental agreements on economic and technical cooperation and investment protection between Serbia and Qatar, to be signed this autumn.

Representatives of the Qatar Investment Fund expressed readiness to invest in projects in the fields of agriculture, food production, energy, mining and infrastructure in Serbia.

The Qatari delegation, in addition to members of the Qatar Investment Fund, includes representatives of the largest public company in the field of agriculture Hassadim Food, as well as the second largest company in the Middle East in the field of energy QEWC.

Потпредседник Владе Расим Љајић и  шеик Фејсал Сауд ал Тани договорили су се и да до јесени ове године буду потписани међудржавни споразуми о економско-техничкој сарадњи и заштити инвестиција између Србије и Катара.