Enhanced inspection surveillance over the agencies “Fly Fly Travel” and “Kofer Turs” due to a suspicion for an unfair business practice

Touristic Inspection of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications received calls from a certain number of citizens last weekend, who were not able to realise already paid flight tickets, bought via the agency “Fly Fly Travel” i.e. “Kofer Turs” which is its legal successor.

Since the enterprise “Fly Fly Travel” i.e. its legal successor “Kofer Turs” still have marketing in the media regarding the flight tickets for all destinations, and having in mind the data of the National Bank of Serbia that mentioned agencies have been blocked for 47 days, we are informing the public that the inspection surveillance of the Trade and Touristic Inspection are ongoing in both agencies due to the suspicion for an unfair and misleading business practice.

All the results of the inspection surveillance in the mentioned agencies will be regularly presented to the public.
Also, Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications will provide all the necessary information to other government institutions, so that they could undertake proper measures within their competences.

Having in mind the above-mentioned, it is necessary that the citizens are cautious when entering travel arrangements with the mentioned agencies.