Encouragement for acquiring knowledge in robotics among the youngest

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has congratulated to the winning team of the competition “Coding” and welcomed the action of B92 Foundation – “Fight for Knowledge”, at the central ceremony on the finals of that action, in the Science and Technology Park of Belgrade, where the young scientists in the field of robotics were given awards and the donors were given thank-you notes.

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State Secretary has stressed that the Ministry, within the development programme for information society, supports projects of the non-government sectors, which enable the young to learn about the useful application of new technologies though fun, encouraging them to develop their information skills and acquire knowledge in the field of coding and robotics.

She has reminded that the Ministry competent for telecommunications promotes information science, coding and robotics, with the topic of safety on the Internet, within the programme of IT Caravan, launched last year.

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“The second IT Caravan was realised this year in 17 schools in Serbia, under the slogan, “Smart and Safe”. We organised workshops on robotics for the pupils, and each school received an educational set of robots with which they will participate in the competition to be organised in Petnica in October”, announced Ms Tatjana Matić.

With the action of the B92 Foundation, funds have been raised for procurement of 1.720 robots for 344 schools in Serbia, trainings have been organised for more than 500 teachers, and competition league for primary school pupils from 5th to 8th grade in the finals in the Science and Technology Park in Belgrade, 30 teams participated comprised of 120 pupils which had demonstrated best results in the previous stages of the competition.