Electronic documents will be valid as those on paper

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić, as a guest in the Morning show of the Radio Television of Serbia, has said that electronic documents will have the same legal and evidence power as those on paper, thanks to the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services.

This law will directly influence the citizens and the economy. Apart from this law, very important are also the law in other fields such as the Law on e-Governance and the Law on Archives which are being prepared.

State Secretary has underlined that this law is the first step towards the establishment of the trust service provider. As she has made it more precise, that will be firms which will work on the identification, authentication and integrity of electronic data, which means a full implementation of the law. Apart from the fact that services will be much faster, they will be cheaper and more efficient, saving both time and material resources.

In parallel with the implementation of the law, it is necessary to work on raising the awareness among the citizens and official servants in order to create trust in electronic documents which will have equal power as those on paper, while the only difference is that it is a kind of modern operations, says State Secretary Tatjana Matić for the Serbian Radio Television.