Earnings from Export of IT Technologies Constantly on the Increase

Deputy Minister for Information Society Sava Savić stated in an interview for RTS that the earnings from the export of IT services and software in 2015 can be expected to reach between 350 and 400 million euros.

Information-Communication Technologies (ICT) have been recognized as a strategic sector in Serbia, and the IT industry is thus becoming a dominant branch of the economy, said Savić.

Software exports in 2010 were worth 127 million euros, in 2012 with 222 million euros they became equal with raspberry exports, while in 2014, with 324 million euros, they reached the level of corn exports.

There are currently 180 companies exporting software from Serbia. They employ five and a half thousand persons.

The number of IT companies is expected to continue its increase in the coming period, and therefore many more employees will be required. There is already talk of these numbers amounting to approximately ten thousand experts required for companies in Serbia to grow in an adequate manner, states Marina Blagojević from the ICT Network Cluster.

Most of the exports are to Germany, the United Stated, the United Kingdom, and Scandinavian countries.