Drafting amendments to the Labour Law by May 1st

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić announced today that a working group has been formed in order to draft amendments to the Labour Law starting from February 3rd. The adoption of the Law is expected by June 30th.

Ljajić said at a press conference held after the meeting that he and the First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić held with the President of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia Ljubisav Orbović, the President of the Trade Union Confederation “Nezavisnost” Branislav Čanak and the President of the Union of Employers of Serbia Nebojša Atanacković, that today’s meeting marks the beginning of a new social dialogue.

He explained that the newly formed working group will examine whether it is necessary to adopt a completely new Labour Law or to amend the existing one, adding that a plan of further activities has been established.

We plan to have the draft amendments prepared by May 1st, so that a public debate on the draft amendments to the Labour Law could be held by May 30th and in order for the Law to be adopted by June 30th, said Ljajić.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that meetings will be held every 15 days in order to follow the dynamics of the process.

Ljajić also said that there is no stability without the agreement of all relevant social factors, i.e., trade unions and employers and added that the new law will have wide support.